A significant amount of outreach, such as Math Circles, target demographics already overrepresented in mathematics. This session highlights modes of outreach that broaden our mathematical community. Topics include college math in prison, math camps, engaging minorities, and conveying the nature of our work to the general public.
- James Morrow*, University of Washington
Mathday at University of Washington
Mathday is a day in which 1600 high school students and teachers are on the UW campus to attend lectures and activities. We have grants to support the attendance from remote schools and schools with under-represented populations. This is its twenty-sixth year.
Time: Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 10:15
Room Number: STAG 163 - Annie Raymond*, University of Washington
Girls' Day or MΓ€dchen-Zukunfstag
We discuss what happened when a whole country decided to reach out to its teenage girls to get them to be more involved in math, science and technology.
Time: Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 10:35
Room Number: STAG 163 - Brandy Wiegers*, Central Washington University, National Association of Math Circles
The Diversity of the national Math Circle movement
Originating in Eastern Europe, Math Circles spread to the United States in the 1990s. They emerged approximately at the same time on both the east and west coast, and have spread to almost every state, numbering around 200 today. While the first wave of Math Circles in the United States started with a focus on preparing mathematically talented high school age youth for advanced mathematical competitions, their focus has now broadened. Math Circles now serve a range of ages (preschool through high school) as well as teachers. Some still focus on preparing students for local or national competitions; others provide non-competitive, mathematical enrichment experiences for all interested students. In this presentation, I will share my work with the San Francisco and Kittitas Valley Math Circles, both of which take a unique approach to outreach. I'll also share resources of the National Association of Math Circles (mathcircles.org) to help you start your own Math Circle.
Time: Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 10:55
Room Number: STAG 163
Comments: I have been in contact with the session organizers. - Matthew Junge*, University of Washington
Inside the box: college in prison
Prisoners that receive college education in prison have drastically lower recidivism rates. Mathematicians are in short supply here, and can make a great difference. I will discuss my experience designing and teaching the first-ever for-credit math course in the Washington Corrections Center for Women.
Time: Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 11:35
Room Number: STAG 163