The 16th annual Northwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium will be held at Oregon State University on Saturday April 6, 2024. See more details below.

The 16th annual NUMS meeting will be held at Oregon State University in Corvallis on Saturday April 6th, 2024! The meeting will be in conjunction with the Math for All meeting. Registration is free and now open at…

Please forward and encourage students to register, participate, and give a talk! It is a great place to practice and get experience giving talks.

The events this year include:
- Plenary talks delivered by: Dr. Eva Thanheiser (Portland State University) and Dr. Federico Ardila (San Francisco State University).
- Poster session: if you are interested in making a poster on a math topic, check out the resources on the webpage
- Short (research) talks: Excellent place to present… more

The 15th annual NUMS meeting will be held online by Oregon State University on Saturday November 11th, 2023! 

There is no registration fee for this conference. However, all participants, whether planning to present or not, need to register.  A zoom link will be sent to your email address. Abstract registration has closed, but attendees still need to register.  Talks will be 15 minutes (plus 5 for questions).

Meeting schedule is now posted 

Abstracts submitted are now posted

Talk schedule is now posted

NUMS participant list is now posted

The keynote address will be given by Professor F. Patricia Medina of New York City College of Technology - CUNY. She will be speaking on "Product Coefficients Used on a Machine Learning Framework for 3D Point Clouds". Abstract: In machine learning, crafting… more

The 14th annual NUMS meeting was held at Portland State University on November 12th, 2022! The link to the registration site is REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, November 4. There is no registration fee for this conference. However, all participants, whether planning to present or not, need to register. Following the Keynote Presentation, there will be three sessions featuring 15-minute student presentations, as well as an activity session in which we plan to have panel discussions on topics such as: pursuing graduate studies, taking advantage of internship opportunities, and BIG jobs (careers in Business, Industry, Government) in which you might use your mathematical training. For more information contact Nathan Gibson at [email protected].

Update 11/12/2022: Presentation Prizes awarded

  • First Prize: Harper Hultz, University of Washington Bothell, "A… more

The Northwest Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (NUMS) is regional mathematics conference providing a venue for undergraduate students in the Pacific Northwest to present mathematical research and projects, including REUs, senior projects, COMAP solutions, etc.

The Oregon State University (OSU) Math Club, the Pi Mu Epsilon (PME) Oregon Beta Chapter, the OSU student chapters of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) organized the first annual NUMS meeting at OSU in Corvallis on Saturday, May 9, 2009. There were 33 attendees including 17 speakers filling two parallel sessions. The local venue served as an effective training opportunity for the national stage; several of the first NUMS participants went on to present at MathFest 2009 in Portland. In fact, two of the six 2009 Pi Mu Epsilon Presentation Prize winners were NUMS participants! Subsequent NUMS… more

The 13th annual NUMS meeting will be held, in conjuction with PiMUC, online as a virtual meeting using Zoom on April 10th, 2021! The registration site can be found at the PiMUC home page. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Speakers: Friday, March 26; Participants: Wednesday, April 7. There is no registration fee for this conference. However, all participants, whether planning to present or not, need to register.

Update 4/10/2021: Presentation Prizes awarded

  • First Prize: Ethan Jensen, George Fox University, "Existence and Shape of Numerical Oscillations in Solving Parabolic PDEs"
  • Second Prize: Josie O'Harrow, Oregon State University, "More Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems"
  • Third Prize: Amanda Mallott, Gonzaga University, "Total Roman Domination of Kneser Graphs"