Welcome to the conference registration form for the 2016 PNW MAA Spring Section Meeting and NUMS conference. Please select your options below and click add to cart for each one. At least one registration choice must be added in order to continue to checkout. Click View Cart to begin the Checkout process. The Checkout process will ask for detailed information on each registrant, including name and contact info. Finally you will need to click through to paypal to make a credit card payment to complete your registration (except students who are presenting and others who are given free registration).
For invited speakers and First Year (2016-2017) PNW Project NExT Fellows, after choosing the correct registration type, the appropriate discounts will be applied near the end of the checkout process.
Please considering making a donation to off-set the cost of providing free registration to students who are presenting! A Tax Identification Number will be included in your email confirmation for tax-deduction purposes. Donations are at $1 increments so add more to increase your donation.