
Special Sessions are listed below. Click the link to see organizer information as well as talks accepted to these sessions.

Topics such as flipping the classroom, inquiry-oriented learning, and gamification. We encourage you to engage your audience using the technique you wish to impart instead of using a traditional format.

Topics such as disease modeling, mathematics and planet earth, and modeling in the community.

Topics such as textbooks, homework systems, video libraries for flipping classroom, other libraries or resources, and remediation modules.

Ways to use MAA's Committee on Undergraduate Programs in Mathematics (CUPM) 2015 Guide to Majors in the Mathematical Sciences to improve your program.

Contributed talks.

Undergraduate (or High School) student presentations or posters on original research or expository mathematics.

Addressing social justice issues in college mathematics courses: Conversations about social justice are commonplace on college and university campuses. Social justice contexts are increasingly present across the curriculum, including mathematics courses, as mathematics is a powerful tool for understanding issues such as poverty, homelessness, or the mortgage crisis, to name a few. The goal of the session is both to feature already existing efforts to connect college mathematics to social justice, and to initiate an ongoing conversation about this pedagogical approach. Talks in this session should present mathematics curriculum (individual lessons, projects, assignments, or entire courses) or pedagogical approaches that address equity social justice, and can feature any level of college mathematics.