Talk Abstract
Many institutions, including the University of Washington, Seattle, require that a student has successfully completed an Intermediate Algebra course in order to be considered for admission.
An yet the world is full of people who say things like "I never could pass that algebra course" or "I only got by because of the mercy of a kind teacher". Some succeeded in spite of their algebra-aversion, some were denied the opportunity of post-secondary education because of it.
Statistics is becoming the most popular and appropriate college-level mathematics course for many students. Yet we are finding that many students are quite capable of succeeding in it without more than a basic algebra basis.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been promoting an approach called StatWay that combines elementary algebra with college-level statistics. Tacoma Community College has been an early participant in this program, and has demonstrated success with it.
An yet the world is full of people who say things like "I never could pass that algebra course" or "I only got by because of the mercy of a kind teacher". Some succeeded in spite of their algebra-aversion, some were denied the opportunity of post-secondary education because of it.
Statistics is becoming the most popular and appropriate college-level mathematics course for many students. Yet we are finding that many students are quite capable of succeeding in it without more than a basic algebra basis.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been promoting an approach called StatWay that combines elementary algebra with college-level statistics. Tacoma Community College has been an early participant in this program, and has demonstrated success with it.
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