- Manny Hur*, Oregon State University
Matthew Sottile*, Galois
Elise Lockwood*, Oregon State University
Career Panel
You’re about to earn a degree in mathematics, now what? You may be surprised to know that teaching isn’t your only option; in the “real world” mathematical knowledge is a valued commodity and there are many interesting job opportunities for mathematicians in non-academic settings. So, whether you are a mathematics student looking for a job once you graduate or an advisor looking for advice to give to future job-seeking students, this session will help you gain new perspectives on career experiences and what employers value in their employees. Panelists will share their paths to their current positions, the ways in which they utilize their mathematical background, and offer advice to others looking for employment in similar venues. Questions that may be addressed include: How do you find which jobs are available? How do you choose which jobs you want to apply for? What are academic and other employers looking for in the materials that you send? How should you tailor your application materials for the job that you are applying for? How do employers conduct interviews?
Time: Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 12:30
Room Number: Horizon Room - Kelsey Jewell*, Western Washington University
Maureen Sturgeon*, Western Washington University
Leading a Successful Math Club
This session will be an open discussion led by the student leaders of Western Washington University’s math club, Kelsey Jewell and Maureen Sturgeon. The topic of discussion will be leading academic clubs on campus. The goal of the session is to allow clubs throughout the Pacific Northwest to collaborate and improve our clubs, as well as to encourage students to start a new club. Kelsey and Maureen have a lot of ideas to share but encourage other clubs to share their successes, suggestions and questions. Some of the topics for the discussion are: increasing attendance, hosting interesting events, successful fund-raising, participating in outreach events, and promoting an inclusive community. Other topic ideas are welcome!
Time: Saturday, April 2, 2016 - 17:10
Room Number: LINC 368
Comments: The talk subject is about extra-curricular/academic involvement. The title, as stated in the abstract, is "Leading a Successful Math Club."
Nathan Gibson